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2023 GEHA Connection Dental Network – Provider Influencer Panel feedback Provider Panel “welcome survey” results

Monday, December 11, 2023 | Posted in GEHA Connection Dental Network News

2023 GEHA Connection Dental Network – Provider Influencer Panel feedback Provider Panel “welcome survey” results

Twenty-five percent of providers on our Panel responded to our ‘Welcome Survey’. We gathered your feedback, listened to your ideas and developed action items based on your input.

Feedback – You told us the greatest challenges are accessing information needed to successfully run the business AND care for patients.

  • Access to Benefits information online / portal experience
  • Reimbursement (speed and level)
  • Credentialing or Recredentialing
  • Paperwork Requirements

What we heard – Making it easier for you to care for GEHA members, your patients.

  • You want to save time with access to the necessary information online (or quickly via live interaction)
  • You would like reduced paper work when interacting with GEHA
  • You would like quick processing time for paperwork and reimbursement

Action – GEHA Connection Dental Network action items based on your feedback.

  • IVR (Interactive Voice Response) you can call in and have your fee schedule faxed to your office
  • Online applications, recredentialing through CAQH, Directory Verifications, Add changes and terms online
  • Now available! The 2023 GEHA® Plan Manual for Dental Providers to support dental practices in caring for GEHA members. Enhanced the electronic preauthorization process.
  • Access to our Rewards Program and discounted services for dental practices

If you have ideas that weren’t included, join the provider panel by visiting and contribute your thoughts.