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GEHA is honored to serve Military retirees

Tuesday, November 1, 2022 | Posted in GEHA Connection Dental Network News

GEHA is honored to serve Military retirees. Military retirees include people who’ve served the United States for over 20 years!

Advocating for our Military Veterans at GEHA is part of our mission and values of caring for each other. Government Employees Health Association (GEHA) originated with federal postal workers passing the hat as a tradition to care for members in the 1930’s in the mail room at union station in Kansas City. 85 years later, GEHA Connection Dental Federal is the largest dental benefit plan for federal employees, and the High Option plan boasts no annual maximum for the plan (excluding orthodontic and implant lifetime maximums). GEHA provides members with access to the largest nationwide network of confirmed providers who serve members enrolled in the FEDVIP program.

GEHA has been a long-time supporter of Veterans Community Project, a nonprofit that addresses mental health and housing issues for everyone who took the oath to serve America, in six U.S. cities. Through grants, volunteerism, and community advocacy/engagement opportunties, GEHA’s relationship with with Veterans Community Project has served the values of both organizations. In 2022, GEHA provided focused funding for oral healthcare services for veterans, understanding that dental pain and related issues attribute to employment absenteeism, social/emotional issues, and more. From emergency aid situations to dentures, this specific program has improved the health and self-esteem of many veterans. In their own words:

  • We received a call yesterday from a Veteran that had a horrible tooth ache and needed it pulled. However, he couldn't have the procedure completed because he was still paying on a previous service provided. I asked him to get me an invoice on the cost to have the tooth pulled as well as the balance he still owed from the previous work. Within a couple of hours, I was on the phone with the dentist, statements in hand, and approval to pay for the tooth to be pulled. To top it off, we paid the remaining balance he owed to help ease his financial struggles. 
  • A note from the veteran: I can't thank you enough for what you did for me today. You and your organization removed a large burden from me, and I am forever at your service. I was an HVAC installer and service tech if you all need help with something. My back isn’t what it used to be, but I can be very helpful. Again, thank you so much, I am very grateful. 

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